Z Nation Wiki
  Jane Carlson
Jane Carlson
Actor Ina Chang
Gender Female
Hair Black
Age unknown
Occupation Former Assistant to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labour
Former Acting Secretary of the U.S. Department of Labour
Former Acting President of the United States of America
Former Acting Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. Armed Forces
Family (Unnamed) - Former Husband (Deceased)
First Appearance "Mt. Weather"
Last Appearance "The Black Rainbow"
Death Episode "Mt. Weather"
Cause of Death Crushing brain injury by Roberta Warren
Status Dead
Ethnicity Asian

Jane Carlson was the 234th President of the United States and an occupant of the Mt. Weather continuity-of-government bunker. 


Jane Carlson was an assistant to the Secretary of Labour during the Carney Administration. She was married to an unnamed man.


When the Secretary of Labour died during the zombie outbreak, Carlson took over as Acting Secretary of Labour. Sometime after the death of President Bill Carney , the line of succession arrived at the office of Secretary of Labour and Carlson became the 234th President. 

Season 4[]

"Mt. Weather"[]

Carlson greets the team after they execute the remaining members of Congress. She explains the situation regarding the President's thumbprint and shows them the VCR tape explaining what the Black Rainbow weapon is. She then escorts them to the 25th floor of the bunker, along with her Secret Service detail, and aids them in attempting to find the President. Carlson then positively identifies the President that Warren finds, and takes them back to the surface level. When Warren casually mentions that they are attempting to stop Black Rainbow, Carlson then orders Sarge and Agents Johnson and Johnson to arrest the team and takes them to the Oval Office for execution. However, when Sarge instead kills Carlson, she becomes a Mad Z. She is then killed by Warren


  • Carlson's Oval Office contains many references to the Reagan era of the Cold War, such as many photos of Ronald Reagan, a red telephone, and a jar of jelly beans.