Z Nation Wiki
Sister of Mercy 015
Actor Brad Picard
Gender Male
Hair Grey
Age 48-52
First Appearance "Sisters of Mercy"
Last Appearance "Sisters of Mercy"
Death Episode "Sisters of Mercy"
Cause of Death Shot in the head by Mack
Status Dead
Ethnicity Caucasian-American
Sister of Mercy 016
The man seconds before his death

Butcher is a character featured in "Z Nation", first encountered in Season 1 episode 11 "Sisters of Mercy".


Nothing is known about his life before the outbreak.


Sisters of Mercy[]

Butcher was the nominal leader of a survivor group that included Darren and Tattoo Guy, along with a couple of women who were slaves of the trio.

They were lured into a trap by the Sisters of Mercy along the roads in Utah, near the Sisters Of Mercy Camp.

After being captured by the Sisters, they were chained together and Addy was convinced to shoot Darren, turning him into a zombie. Zombie Darren promptly attacked Tattoo Guy and Butcher as the Sisters drove away.

Butcher somehow survived, probably by killing both Zombified Darren and (presumably) Zombified Tattoo Guy, then captured Serena as she returned to the Sisters' camp.

Holding Serena at gunpoint, he forces Helen to appear so he can exact his revenge but dies soon thereafter.


Killed by[]

While holding Serena at gunpoint, Mack shoots him point blank in the head


Unnamed Tv Characters
Bandit Family DadMomSonDaughter
Province Town Cafeteria Lady
Edgemont, South Dakota Max
CIA Black Site Chester
Sisters Of Mercy Camp AmyLinaEmmelineZina
Bandits Tattoo GuyButcher
Fort Collins, Colorado Soldier 1Soldier 2
Colorado Farm GirlMotherFather
Murphy Bounty Hunters StrangerSoccer Mom
Minnesota Lab Harvester 1Harvester 2
Burrtown Sadie's Husband
Murphytown Poor Bastard
Miscellaneous WomanHaitian DoctorLawyerRastafarianJunkieBanditLieutenant10K's DadAmyAddy's MomLindsayMorticianKazakhstan CopLucinda
Alive characters appear in green. Dead characters appear in red and italics. Unknown characters appear in blue. Undead characters appear in grey and italics.