Z Nation Wiki
  10K's Dad
10ks dad season 2
Actor Tracy Schornick
Gender Male
Hair White
Age Late 40s to Early 50s
Occupation Unknown
Family (Unnamed) - Former Wife (Deceased)
10K - Son
First Appearance "Full Metal Zombie"
Last Appearance "Day One" (Flashback)
Death Episode "Full Metal Zombie" (Confirmed Fate)
Cause of Death Bitten by zombie, out of mercy by 10K
Status Dead
Ethnicity Caucasian
10k dad zombie
Zombified 10K's Dad

"10K's Dad" (real name unknown) is a survivor of the outbreak in Z Nation.


10K's Dad lived with 10K off the grid. They had no electricity or modern luxury.Living off the land they survived by hunting and fishing.


Season 1[]

Full Metal Zombie[]

10K's dad was bitten by a zombie and was going to turn. His son had to tie him down in order to save himself and eventually had to "Give him Mercy" after he turned zombie.

Season 2[]

Day One[]

10K's dad is seen saving 10K from zombies, calling him by his real name "Tommy". After shooting a zombie attacking his son he urges 10K to bring a weapon and run.


Killed By

At some point, 10K's dad is bitten and infected by a zombie.

  • 10K (Zombified)

After promising his dad that he would put him down, 10K's dad begins to succumb to the infection and turns, to which 10K slides a knife into his head, marking his first zombie kill.

Unnamed Tv Characters
Bandit Family DadMomSonDaughter
Province Town Cafeteria Lady
Edgemont, South Dakota Max
CIA Black Site Chester
Sisters Of Mercy Camp AmyLinaEmmelineZina
Bandits Tattoo GuyButcher
Fort Collins, Colorado Soldier 1Soldier 2
Colorado Farm GirlMotherFather
Murphy Bounty Hunters StrangerSoccer Mom
Minnesota Lab Harvester 1Harvester 2
Burrtown Sadie's Husband
Murphytown Poor Bastard
Miscellaneous WomanHaitian DoctorLawyerRastafarianJunkieBanditLieutenant10K's DadAmyAddy's MomLindsayMorticianKazakhstan CopLucinda
Alive characters appear in green. Dead characters appear in red and italics. Unknown characters appear in blue. Undead characters appear in grey and italics.